Building a better future

Sustainability is important to us. Below is more on what current practices we are implementing in our sourcing of raw materials and in production from supporting Australian growers to how we package our brews.

Our malts are grown by Voyager Craft Malts from the Riverina area of NSW. Malting on farm gives them a level of sustainability not seen in traditional industrialised malting. Significantly reduced food miles of raw grain grown on site, reduced transport of malted grain direct to regional and metropolitan breweries, and the waste products from the malting process fed back to livestock on neighbouring farms. For more on Voyager and their sustainability methods follow the below link...

Our hops are grown by HPA in Tasmania. They are working to reduce their resource consumption and environmental footprint along the entire supply chain: from growing, processing and packaging, to global and domestic distribution. For more on HPA's initiatives see the below link...

Packaging wise, we are using fully recyclable and biodegradable options and creating less labels to reduce any plastics used in this process. Our goal here is to plastic free eliminating the use of harmful plastics.

Water is a high consumption aspect to brewing. We are re-using water by capturing what we can in the brewing process and where we can't, we truck off site to a facility where its treated and reused in farming practices accross our region.

We look forward to rolling out sustainability initiatives with selected partners soon...stay tuned for more on this or get in touch to learn more!